Monday, March 25, 2019

Chief Side Effect Of Benicar

To treat hypertension in adults, Olmesartan is sold under the trade name of Benicar. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the medication in 2002 which is developed and was first manufactured by a Japanese company.
The medicine is a class of drugs called angiotensin II receptor blockers which is used for lowering the blood pressure in adults. It works by dilating the blood vessels and allows the blood flow smoothly in the veins. Daiichi Sankyo was the original manufacturer of the brand. Without additional support to lower blood pressure, the patients are subjected to further risks of strokes, heart attack, kidney failure, and other related problems.
However there have been a lot of Benicar hct side effects reported by the patients, many of which have even led to life-threatening conditions.

What is the main concern?
Patients taking Benicar for a long time have been warned about the gastrointestinal complications which were first found in 2013. It has been linked with severe gastrointestinal injuries.
Sprue-like enteropathy is a brutal gastrointestinal condition which can even require emergency hospitalization. If not treated timely, it can even lead to fatal results. Villous atrophy is one of the probable complications of sprue-like enteropathy. This happens when the lining of the small intestines are entirely damaged and cannot absorb nutrients leading to malnutrition.
Make sure to get in touch with the physician if any of the following signs stays for long:
  • kidney disease / dysfunctionality
  • dehydration
  • liver disease
  • congestive heart failure
It took several years to find out that sprue-like enteropathy is directly linked with this medication. Benicar lawsuit blames the making company for representing the drug as a safe and effective treatment. The victims allege that the company failed to adequately warn them of the associated risks with olmesartan medication. They argue for financial settlement from the company for all the pain and suffering they had to go through.
Did you suffer from the health complications of Benicar? Get in touch with the team of Benicar 411 over or dial 855-297-1131 to get a free evaluation of your case and understand if your case is entitled for financial compensation. The experienced team will help you understand the required procedure for filing the lawsuit.

Complications That Has Always Been In Discussion For Benicar

Benicar is the brand name of a drug which has olmesartan medoxomil as the active ingredient. It is part of a class of medications known as...